У меня набралось некоторое количество собранных цитат и просто красивых надписей, поэтому решила ими поделиться.
just because i’m busy doesn’t mean i don’t love you
+17 pics
yesterday is today’s memory tomorrow is today’s dream
why do you wait for something to happen
today will be a good day
the only thing standing in between you and me is reality
the best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up
paul valery
something about you is so addictive
schrodinger’s cat is dead — alive
Photography is what you see with your eye and it goes so quick, that you don’t even have ro see it. To photograph means to paint with light. Mistakes are part of it. They are the poetry, the painterly quality. And for that you need a bad camera, if you want to be famous, you have to be worse in something, than anybody else in the world. Miroslav Tichy.
russian cursive makes me cry sometimes
I never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting
peter pen
i’m addicted to wasting time
Sometimes I pretend to be normal. but it gets boring, so i go back to being me.
be happy for this moment-this moment is your life
be fucking polite
all you need for a movie is a gun and a girl
you look super cute when you smile
(c) часть из журнала
think positive — part 1 (часть первая) >>
think positive — part 2 (часть вторая)>>